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Exploring the Ollama Library Top Models and Their Applications

7 min read

Discover the top models in the Ollama Library, their strengths, weaknesses, and potential use cases. Learn how to choose the best model for your needs.

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Behavioral Design Patterns in Software Development

12 min read

An in-depth look at behavioral design patterns in software development, exploring Visitor, Template Method, Strategy, State, Observer, Memento, Mediator, Iterator, Interpreter, Command, and Chain of Responsibility patterns with examples and real-world applications.

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Structural Design Patterns in Software Development

7 min read

An in-depth look at structural design patterns in software development, exploring Proxy, Flyweight, Facade, Decorator, Composite, Bridge, and Adapter patterns with examples and real-world applications.

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Creational Design Patterns in Software Development

6 min read

An in-depth look at creational design patterns in software development, exploring Singleton, Prototype, Factory Method, Builder, and Abstract Factory patterns with examples and real-world applications.

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Building a Voice-Assistant with Assembly AI, Groq, and ElevenLabs

5 min read

Step-by-step guide to building an insanely fast voice-assistant using Assembly AI, Groq, and ElevenLabs.

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Accessing and Using the Gmail and Blogger APIs with Python

5 min read

Step-by-step guide to accessing and using the Gmail and Blogger APIs in Python, from setup to sending your first email and creating blog posts.

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Writing CLI Tools With Typer

6 min read

Discover the key features of Typer for creating command line interfaces in Python.

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Introduction to Software Design Patterns

4 min read

Explore the world of software design patterns! Learn about their significance, various types, and how they can help solve common programming challenges.

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Setting Up Ollama Web UI on Ubuntu Using Docker

3 min read

Learn how to set up Ollama Web UI on an Ubuntu server using Docker, complete with code examples and a brief overview of its key features.

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Exploring Polymorphism in Python

2 min read

An look at polymorphism in Python, covering its types, examples, and best practices for clean and efficient programming.

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Understanding Callback Functions in Python

2 min read

Explore the concept, use cases, and best practices of callback functions in Python, complete with code examples.

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My Journey with the Dell PowerEdge R720 Server

6 min read

An exploration of setting up a Dell PowerEdge R720 server, learning new technologies, and envisioning future tech projects.

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Enhancing Response Accuracy with Instructor and Pydantic

4 min read

Exploring how Instructor leverages Pydantic to optimize OpenAI's function call API for more accurate and context-aware responses.

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Why Pydantic? Understanding Its Popularity and Features

1 min read

Exploring the reasons behind the widespread adoption of Pydantic, a Python library for data validation and settings management.